I am a leaf on the wind watch me as i splat
I am a leaf on the wind watch me as i splat

i am a leaf on the wind watch me as i splat

And it was close: Zoë's back, Kaylee getting darted in the neck, Simon getting shot. In Timeshredder's writeup on Serenity, he mentions that he wondered if any of the characters would live through it. When I got back to my seat, she still wasn't dead. When watching The Matrix: Revolutions, I was overcome by the intense need to pee during Trinity's dying speech. No drawn out soliloquy, no I love you's, no goodbyes. Meanwhile the audience is still reeling from his death. Zoë's first stage grief is immediate and complete, telling him he has to get up, they must retreat. The air pressure in the theater dropped, so many people gasped.

i am a leaf on the wind watch me as i splat

Wash repeats his mantra, but he can't complete the sentence before the Reaver harpoon comes through the window and kills him. Out of nowhere, without warning, without reason that I could think of at the time.


If she's the second major character to die in the movie, after Book? And who wouldn't consider Serenity a major character in the the Firefly saga? They named the movie after her, right? Serenity finally comes to rest in some dark recess, bits and pieces of her strewn across the landscape. Wash brings the injured ship in to land the landing feet are the first to go in the crash. They restore partial power, but not enough for a powered landing. He gets the ship through the battle, but they are caught in an EMP beam from a Reaver ship. Her pilot, Hoban Washburne ( Wash), achieves a sense of zen like calm, picking his way through the death and destruction, chanting his mantra: I am a leaf on the wind. Through this maelstrom, little Serenity must make her way to the surface and safety. This is the only time we see his smooth exterior crack.Ī large space battle ensues, the technology of the Alliance set against the Reavers' desire for juicy, still living flesh. We should have done this as men, not with fire) is replaced with annoyance and almost-fear at the Reavers. The Operative's calm look of smugness and I'm-better-than-thou-ness ( You should have let me see her, Captain. Let me set the scene: The crew of the good ship Serenity has, using themselves as bait, led a group of somewhat annoyed Reaver ships to the Operative and his Alliance Armada waiting for them around Mr. This is both one of the greatest and most hated lines from the movie Serenity.

I am a leaf on the wind watch me as i splat