A simple search on the “Verkada breach” will quickly demonstrate how massive this cyber-attack is, returning results of videos that have been made public through this breach. In addition to the live video feeds, the hackers were able to access all the archived videos which means the entire video library for these organizations was at risk. What’s scary is that Verkada’s large customer list includes a lot of enterprises like Tesla, public jails, hospitals, and schools.

With this super user access to the security cameras, the hackers were able to stream live feeds of every Verkada customer’s camera network. This exposed the rest of the enterprise network, devices, applications and cloud services to potential data and intellectual property theft. This enabled them to use the IoT device as a launching point for attacks laterally across the entire enterprise network.
The hackers were “able to obtain “root” access on the cameras, meaning they could use the cameras to execute their own code on the device. As various media outlets have reported including Bloomberg, Verkada, a Silicon Valley startup, suffered a massive IoT cyber-attack. It’s extremely unfortunate to see yet another broad IoT security breach, but this breach is more dangerous that those we have seen recently.

All enterprises need to proactively protect their IoT devices, networks, apps, and cloud services from sophisticated multi-vector Gen V cyber attacks.IoT devices are built with little or no security enabling hackers to expose those vulnerabilities and steal important data and intellectual property.Hackers gained access to live surveillance camera feeds exposing data and intellectual property at enterprises like Tesla, schools and prisons.In March 2021, a group of hackers breached a large group of IoT security cameras via a Silicon Valley startup called Verkada.